Clinical Diagnostics in Detection of Monoclonal Gammopathies


This presentation will provide a general overview of common plasma cell dyscrasias and their clinical presentations. It will also provide an explanation of various diagnostic methodologies for detecting, characterizing, and monitoring monoclonal gammopathies. In addition, results interpretation and the clinical significance of laboratory findings will be addressed.

Originally published on October 7, 2024

Lecture Presenter

Alexis Dadelahi, PhD

Alexis Dadelahi, PhD

Clinical Immunology Fellow
University of Utah School of Medicine

Dr. Alexis Dadelahi graduated from the University of Wyoming in 2013 with a bachelor of science in microbiology and molecular biology. After completing her undergraduate studies, she attended the University of Missouri where she earned a PhD in microbiology in 2020. Her PhD and postdoctoral work focused on follicular B cells and CD4+ T-cell interactions that promote disease during Brucella infection.


After this presentation, participants will be able to:

  • Differentiate common diseases associated with monoclonal gammopathy based on clinical and diagnostic findings
  • Describe the principles of monoclonal gammopathy detection and characterization and the utility of testing to the clinician
  • Interpret results and evaluate their clinical significance in monoclonal gammopathy

Sponsored by:

University of Utah School of Medicine, Department of Pathology, and ARUP Laboratories