Information in this section is for hematology, coagulation, and phlebotomy portions of the MLS curriculum. These resources can be used to enrich student experiences while studying these disciplines.
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Video Lectures
Introduction to Flow Cytometry
This presentation will discuss the principle of flow cytometry, components of the flow cytometer, and applications in the diagnosis and treatment of disease.
This video is 39m
Update in Red Blood Cell Membrane Disorders
Hemolytic anemias due to abnormalities of the erythrocyte membrane comprise an important group of inherited disorders. These include hereditary spherocytosis (HS), hereditary elliptocytosis (HE) and hereditary pyropoikilocytosis (HPP) and hereditary stomatocytosis. These disorders are characterized by clinical, laboratory and genetic heterogeneity. HS is the most common inherited anemia in individuals of northern American descent affecting approximately 1 in 1000-2500 individuals depending on the diagnostic criteria. The clinical heterogeneity of these disorders range from in-utero transfusion to well compensated anemia. This lecture will address the different types of RBC membrane disorders, and its pathophysiology. Diagnostic techniques including utility of next generation sequencing (NGS) will also be discussed.
This video is 51m
Lymphocytes: Cells With Many Faces
This lecture will discuss the morphologic features of abnormal lymphocytes in the peripheral blood and the importance of initial evaluation for the diagnostic work up. An explanation of normal T- and B- cell development and a review ICSH recommendations for the standardization of nomenclature of lymphocytes will be provided.
This video is 55m
Classification of Leukemias and Lymphomas: Increasing Role of Molecular Testing
This lecture will cover some entities that require genetic testing for precise diagnosis and classification, as opposed to cases where the diagnosis is based only on morphology and immunophenotype.
This video is 54m
Diagnostic Approach to Anemia
The understanding of anemias is very important as clinicians attempt to provide high quality medical care to their patients. The medical laboratory scientist must also understand anemias to provide this needed information. This lecture will address the basics for the classification of anemias and tools used in the medical laboratory to assess a patient’s blood health or presence of anemia.
This video is 1h, 14m
Hematology M+Ms: Morphology and Mystery (Case Studies)
Hematology instrumentation has advanced to now routinely include at least a five-part differential and, in some laboratories, automated cell image analysis. Yet, a manual examination of the blood smear is still an essential procedure that provides valuable diagnostic information. This session will use case studies to define important morphologic variations and physiologic processes in selected disease conditions.
This video is 45 minutes.
Phlebotomy Ps and Qs: Problems and Quandaries in Specimen Collection
Phlebotomists routinely encounter dangerous conditions, problem patients, and other issues during blood collection. This session will suggest techniques that can help you avoid or safely manage these difficulties. Areas to be discussed include:
- risks associated with venous blood collection, such as improper vein selection and needlestick exposure
- unusual patient situations that impact phlebotomy practice, including the cancer and bariatric patient
- communication barriers and methods to improve patient interactions, like developing good listening skills and effective communication approaches with the elderly
This video is 60 minutes.
Spotlight on Testing Technology: Digital Imaging
Our ARUP Institute for Learning Spotlight Series is designed to provide brief educational overviews highlighting test utilization issues, new tests, and testing technology. In this video, Mohamed E. Salama, MD discusses digital pathology slides at ARUP Laboratories.
This video is 4 minutes.
CLL/SLL: Update and Other Things You Should Know
This lecture will cover the basic diagnosis of CLL/SLL. Additionally, recommended testing and a review the effects of targeted therapies on various assays will be discussed.
This video is 42m
How-To Videos
How to Make a Blood Smear
This video will instruct you how to create a basic manual blood smear.
This video is 3 minutes.
How to Perform a Wright Stain
This video will instruct you on how to create a manual Wright stain.
This video is 3 minutes.
Diluting A Whole Blood Specimen for Cell Counts Using A Hemacytometer
This video provides a basic overview on how to dilute a whole blood speciment for cell counts using a hemacytometer.
This video is 4 minutes.
Loading a Hemacytometer for Manual Cell Count
This video provides a basic overview on how to load a hemacytometer for manual cell count.
This video is 4 minutes.
Bone Marrow Biopsy
Note: This video shows graphic medical images from actual bone marrow biopsy procedures.
This video provides a basic overview to a bone marrow biopsy procedure.
This video is 6 minutes.