Information in this section is for bacteriology, parasitology, virology, and other disciplines within the microbiology section of the MLS curriculum. These resources can be used to enrich student experiences while studying these disciplines.
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Video Lectures

Introduction to Parasitology: The Basics Are Just the Beginning
The parasites that infect humans are broad and diverse. Though many teaching and review content focuses on the common gastrointestinal parasites, this presentation will focus instead on the other body sites in the human that can be infected by parasites.
This video is 1h, 4m

Introduction to Blood Parasites: It May Be a Bloody Mess, But It Is Worth Knowing
Blood parasites represent a global burden of disease, particularly due to malaria being a leading cause of morbidity and mortality. Blood parasites are critical to detect and treat and require different techniques for not only lab testing but also specimen collection. The most common blood parasites are reviewed in this presentation with a strong focus on best practice for microscopy as well as adjunct methods of diagnosis for unique clinical presentations.
This video is 1h, 6m

Wonderful World of Weirdobacters!
This video will review cases involving unusual and interesting organisms one might encounter in the clinical microbiology laboratory.
This video is 1h, 1m

Artificial Intelligence for the Detection of Gastrointestinal Parasites Cases in Parasitology
This presentation will explore the role of AI in select cases of parasitology along with future applications of AI moving forward.
This video is 55m

Bugs, Drugs, and Medical Thugs: A History of Syphilis, the Invention of Penicillin, and Research on Vulnerable Populations
Syphilis has a long and sordid history. This disease has had a profound influence on the practice of medicine over the last few centuries. The advancement of both drug development and laboratory medicine has been shaped by our battle against the causative agent, T. Pallidum. This lecture covers the history and origins of syphilis, the invention of penicillin, and unethical clinical trials conducted on vulnerable populations in the fight against this disease. Current laboratory tests are described and the clinical algorithms recommended for diagnosis including the traditional and reverse sequence are outlined.
This video is 50m

Cases in Parasitology
This presentation will cover fun, bizarre cases in Parasitology. We will discuss the route of infection for various foodborne parasites and the clinical presentation of zoonotic parasites.
This video is 55m

Automated Microbiology Series: Automated Specimen Processor
The Automated Microbiology Series provides examples of innovative processes in microbiology and their impact on lab workflow and patient care. This video focuses on the automated specimen processor.
*Includes closed captioning.
This video is 5m

Automated Microbiology Series: MALDI-TOF
The Automated Microbiology Series provides examples of innovative processes in microbiology and their impact on lab workflow and patient care. This video focuses on Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization-Time Of Flight (MALDI-TOF).
*Includes closed captioning.
This video is 2m

Automated Microbiology Series: Identification and Sensitivities
The Automated Microbiology Series provides examples of innovative processes in microbiology and their impact on lab workflow and patient care. This video focuses on identification and sensitivities.
*Includes closed captioning.
This video is 3m

Review of Malaria and Plasmodium Species
This is a basic overview of the disease malaria and the causative agents, Plasmodium species. The life cycles of the parasites and their differentiating characteristics in the human host are discussed, for Plasmodium falciparum. P. ovale, P. vivax, P. malariae. Case studies demonstrate the disease states caused by each species.
This video is 48m
Overview of major cestodes, or, tapeworms, that can cause human disease. This includes how to identify the parasite and the life cycles of the organisms, including other hosts that may be involved.
This video is 10 minutes.
Worksheet for Video
Overview of Nematodes (round worms) that can cause human disease. This includes identification of and life cycle of the organisms and impact on infected patients.
This video is 10 minutes.
Worksheet for Video
Other Blood Parasites
Overview of Trypanosomes, Leishmania and Microfiilaria species. Stains used to detect parasites, diseases caused by these parasites, morphology of the different species and other hosts involved in the life cycles.
This video is 11 minutes.
Worksheet for Video
Overview of Protozoa (single cell parasites) including amoeba, flagellates, coccidians and ciliates. This will include testing protocols, stains used, morphology and life cycles of selected species.
This video is 19 minutes.
Worksheet for Video
Overview of Trematodes (flukes) that can cause human disease. The presentation includes morphology, identification and life cycle of the parasites.
This video is 8 minutes.
Worksheet for Video
Plasmodium and Babesia
Overview of species that cause Malaria as well as Babesia. This includes the life cycles of the organisms, clinical features of disease and stages of Malaria
This video is 11 minutes.
Worksheet for Video

Sterile Technique
This tutorial demonstrates the sterile technique and provides an explanation of why it is necessary for Microbiology.

Anaerobic Chamber
The anaerobic chamber is used in the microbiology laboratory to culture and isolate Anaerobes. Anaerobes can cause serious infections leading to severe illness. This tutorial will cover what an anaerobic chamber is and how it is used.
How-To Videos
How to Make a Wet Prep
This video will instruct you how to create a basic wet prep.
This video is 3 minutes.
How to Perform a Gram Stain
This video will instruct you on how to create a manual gram stain.
This video is 6 minutes.