AACC 2019 Booth Presentation: Back to Our Roots: The Healing Power of Ethical Business Strategies
People working in healthcare sometimes find that health goals, such as patient welfare, conflict with the goals of the parent organization, such as financial gain. But when value extraction becomes the priority, ethics suffer. Is it possible for organizations to maintain an ethical environment without sacrificing profitability? Dr. Jackson will explain how the healthcare industry can get back to its ethical roots through organizational transparency and accountability.
Originally presented on August 7, 2019 in Anaheim, California.
Lecture Presenter

Brian R. Jackson, MD, MS
Medical Director, Business Development, IT and Support Services
ARUP Laboratories
Pathology - Associate Professor (Clinical), Biomedical Informatics - Adjunct Associate Professor
University of Utah School of Medicine
Dr. Jackson directs informatics efforts at ARUP, including ARUP Consult®, charting, and software product management. He is the medical director for Business Development, Support Services and IT at ARUP and an associate professor of pathology (clinical) at the University of Utah School of Medicine. He received his BA in mathematics, his MS in medical informatics, and his MD from the University of Utah, and completed a clinical pathology residency at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center. Prior to his employment at ARUP, Dr. Jackson was a staff clinical pathologist and informaticist at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, a product manager for a Belgium-based medical software firm, and a National Library of Medicine informatics fellow at the University of Utah. Dr. Jackson’s research interests include economic analysis of diagnostic testing, physician utilization of laboratory tests, and corporate social responsibility in healthcare. He is certified in clinical pathology by the American Board of Pathology.
Sponsored by:
University of Utah School of Medicine, Department of Pathology, and ARUP Laboratories