A podcast that explores the future of laboratory medicine

Join Dr. Brian Jackson, adjunct professor of pathology at the University of Utah and a medical director at ARUP Laboratories, as he interviews some of the top minds in diagnostic laboratory medicine. Listeners are privy to personal anecdotes and creative insights into important challenges facing laboratories and clinicians.
An Interview with ARUP's Supply Chain Management Team: How the COVID-19 Pandemic Has Upended Laboratory Purchasing

Supply shortages, from collection kits to reagents to personal protective equipment, have been a major bottleneck for COVID-19 testing. Join the ARUP supply chain management team and me as we take you behind the scenes of clinical laboratory supply sourcing. Michael Bevan and his team describe how purchasing processes and vendor-supplier relationships have dramatically changed in the era of COVID-19, and tell you why those processes and relationships may never be the same again.
Originally published August 3, 2020
*Please note: Our podcasts do not provide continuing education credits.