A podcast that explores the future of laboratory medicine

Join Dr. Brian Jackson, adjunct professor of pathology at the University of Utah and a medical director at ARUP Laboratories, as he interviews some of the top minds in diagnostic laboratory medicine. Listeners are privy to personal anecdotes and creative insights into important challenges facing laboratories and clinicians.
An Interview With Dr. Valerie Vaughn: Nudging Physicians Toward Better Use of Diagnostic Tests

Improving physicians’ use of laboratory tests is not usually a problem of motivation. They’re already motivated to deliver high-quality care to their patients. More often, it’s about choice architecture, i.e., making sure that correct choices are easier to make than incorrect ones. In this discussion, Dr. Valerie Vaughn explains the science behind nudging and choice architecture. She also explains how her own research convinced her that improving the use of diagnostic tests is often the key to improving therapeutic outcomes.
Originally published March 22, 2022
*Please note: Our podcasts do not provide continuing education credits.