A podcast that explores the future of laboratory medicine

Join Dr. Brian Jackson, adjunct professor of pathology at the University of Utah and a medical director at ARUP Laboratories, as he interviews some of the top minds in diagnostic laboratory medicine. Listeners are privy to personal anecdotes and creative insights into important challenges facing laboratories and clinicians.
An Interview With Dr. Vikas Saini: Creating a More Just, Effective, and Affordable Healthcare System

Fixing American healthcare will require more than mere tweaks around the edges. Dr. Vikas Saini, president of the Boston-based Lown Institute, believes that it will require a return to medicine’s humanist roots. In this interview he describes some of the ways in which many healthcare organizations prioritize revenue and profit over patients and communities. He also explains why he remains optimistic that Hippocratic principles will ultimately prevail.
Related Information:
Lown Institute
2024 Top Hospitals: America’s Most Socially Responsible Hospitals
2023 Shkreli Awards: The Lown Institute’s Top Ten List of the Worst Examples of Profiteering and Dysfunction in Healthcare
Originally published August 13, 2024
*Please note: Our podcasts do not provide continuing education credits.